Wednesday 16 October 2013

Poster Evaluation

For my creative media project I have created a film poster. This is a step-by-step evaluation about how and why I made it.

Step 1: My first step was to take a photograph. Instead having a green screen background, I wanted to have a window reflection and a white background. I wanted a white background so that the audience eyes would direct to the centre of the poster. And the window reflection was a clue to the films story.

Step 2: My second step was to brighten the background so the reflection was less vivid. I did this by using the colour range tool. I also uploaded my title. I used a website called to create the scary font I wanted. I uploaded the text on to photoshop.

Step 3: My third step was adding the information. I had uploaded the BBFC certificate onto my film. I downloaded the image off the internet and uploaded onto a new layer in photoshop. I also uploaded a film distributor onto my poster, I downloaded the image off the internet and then uploaded it onto photoshop. The next thing I did was downloading the poster blurb from SkyDrive. I edited the text and uploaded it onto a new layer on photoshop. All this information helped create a more realistic feel to the poster.

Step 4: This is the completed version of my poster. I have made a few changes to my finished product, such as changing the tagline from top-left to centre and changing the colour white to make it stand out more. I have also enlarged the title and retitled it 'Confessions of a psychopath.'

Thursday 10 October 2013

Proposal For Creative Media Production Project

Confessions Of A Psychopath: Proposal

Title: Confessions Of A Psychopath 

Genre: Crime/Thriller/Black-Comedy 

 When a priest visits famous mass murder 'Joseph Terrorson' before his public execution. He finds out just what the media want to hear, The killers past, but this will be at his own expense. As the killer slowly bewilders the priest into believing his ideas on the human race.... 

BBFC Rating:The British Board of Film Classification is an independent non-governmental body which has classified cinema films since it was set up in 1912 and videos/ DVDs since the Video Recordings Act was passed in 1984.

My BBFC Film Rating: 
  • Very strong violence 
  • Strong horror
  • Strong blood and gore 
  • Very strong language 
  • Drug Taking 

ASA:The Advertising Standards Authority is the UK’s independent regulator of advertising across all media. These are guidelines I have chosen which will be needed to take into consideration when I'm making my poster.
- The subject of my film may be insensitive towards some viewers, I will need to make sure my poster  does not contain any offensive material.

- I will need to make sure that my poster shows that the film is a work of fiction and not a documentary or a reality show. 

Thursday 3 October 2013

Film fonts

Subject: Horror font.

This font reminds me of the old 60s-70s french "Grindhouse" horror films, The shadow has a splatter effect, this suggests the bloody content of the film. The bold text looks rough and rugged, this create the feeling that something isn't right. Examples of this would be the "Saw" franchise and Quentin Tarantino's "Death Proof".

Subject: Romance font.

In my opinion this font is target for gothic teenage girls. The italic font represents goth culture. And curled lettering suggests comfort and affection. The nature of a film with this font would suggest a dark romance aimed at teenage girls. Films with this theme are Twilight and Beautiful Creatures.

Subject: Action Film.

This font is targeted for mostly male audiences. The bold and stencilled text suggests a military theme. This font would be used on a more violent action flick such as the "Expendables".

Subject: Science Fiction.
This font is aimed to be futuristic. This can font can be targeted to all audiences because it integrates the theme of mystery in a unknown world. Films that use a similar font included Ridley scott's "Alien and stanley Kubricks "2001 space oddessey"