Wednesday 16 October 2013

Poster Evaluation

For my creative media project I have created a film poster. This is a step-by-step evaluation about how and why I made it.

Step 1: My first step was to take a photograph. Instead having a green screen background, I wanted to have a window reflection and a white background. I wanted a white background so that the audience eyes would direct to the centre of the poster. And the window reflection was a clue to the films story.

Step 2: My second step was to brighten the background so the reflection was less vivid. I did this by using the colour range tool. I also uploaded my title. I used a website called to create the scary font I wanted. I uploaded the text on to photoshop.

Step 3: My third step was adding the information. I had uploaded the BBFC certificate onto my film. I downloaded the image off the internet and uploaded onto a new layer in photoshop. I also uploaded a film distributor onto my poster, I downloaded the image off the internet and then uploaded it onto photoshop. The next thing I did was downloading the poster blurb from SkyDrive. I edited the text and uploaded it onto a new layer on photoshop. All this information helped create a more realistic feel to the poster.

Step 4: This is the completed version of my poster. I have made a few changes to my finished product, such as changing the tagline from top-left to centre and changing the colour white to make it stand out more. I have also enlarged the title and retitled it 'Confessions of a psychopath.'

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