Thursday 14 November 2013

Film Poster: Expendables

Our latest task in this unit, is learning how to create a film poster. We used a green screen and photoshop to achieve this task. I will now explain the methods of this by using several steps.

Step 1: Our first task was to take our pictures with the green screen. We were given toy guns and told to point them at the lens. We mimicked the positions that are shown by actors on hollywood block-buster films.

Step 2: Our second task was to upload our photo's onto photoshop. We have downloaded the images off our "Learning Box" graphics folder.
Step 3: Our third task was to cut the background out of the image. We did this by using the colour range tool. One we erased all the black out of the image. The image now had a moving pencil shape around the person. We unlocked the background before pressing the backspace button.

Step 4: Our fourth task was create a background. The theme of the expendebles is war, So naturally a exploration in the background would be fitting.

Step 5: Once all of the images were removed from the green screen. Our fifth task was to add ourselves onto the background layer, this was done by dragging our images onto the background tap, and then scaling our ourselves down into a smaller size.

Step 6: Once this task was completed, we discovered that the images did not "blend in" with the background, to resolve this we used the shadow tool, this helped darken the colour of the selected space.

Step 7: Our seventh task was to add the cinematic title and text. This was downloaded off the Skydive website. And added to the poster layer on photoshop.  And downloaded the BBFC certificate on the internet, onto the poster layer on photoshop.

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